As always, we open with prayer. Is there anything on your mind that we can pray for this evening?
Psalm 23
1The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil; For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord
He Leadeth Me
1 He leadeth me: O blessed thought!
O words with heavenly comfort fraught!
Whate'er I do, where'er I be,still
'tis God's hand that leadeth me.
He leadeth me, he leadeth me;
by his own hand he leadeth me:
his faithful follower I would be,
for by his hand he leadeth me.
2 Sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom,
sometimes where Eden's flowers bloom,
by waters calm, o'er troubled sea,
still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me.
3 Lord, I would clasp thy hand in mine,
nor ever murmur nor repine;
content, whatever lot I see,
since 'tis my God that leadeth me.
4 And when my task on earth is done,
when, by thy grace, the victory's won,
e'en death's cold wave I will not flee,
since God through Jordan leadeth me.
Joseph H Gilmore
1. Is there anything in the song or in the verses above that seems to jump out at you as you read them? Anything perhaps that you did not notice before or touches you in a personal way when you read it?
2. How do you think David's early life as a literal shepherd helped to prepare him to figuratively shepherd the People of God?
3. David was a 'shepherd' and then took what he knew in his own experience and gave glory to God from what he knew, calling the Lord his Shepherd: but what about you? If you were to think of the Lord as your _______ from your previous or current life experience, what job/tool/moment reminds you of God when you think about it? For example, someone in the military may think of God as their fortress. A person at school may see the Lord as their advisor. A park ranger may see the Lord as their guide. A person in an office space may see the Lord as their fearless leader. But what about you?
4. When you think about the Elders at City Centre Church, and you think about our shepherd/leaders who follow the Lord, our 'Great Leader', what are the words that come to your mind to describe them as a group?
5. The Bible reminds us to encourage one another (1Thes 5:11) and at this time, you are encouraged to write down an encouragement for every Elder we have here at City Centre, along with a short prayer on individual pieces of paper. Please take 2 minutes per person. These pieces of paper will be given to the Elders on Sunday. (If you are an Elder here tonight, and your name is next on the list, write an encouragement for your spouse or close church friend and make sure to give it to them).
6. As a group, let's take the time to pray for our Elders:
Prayer Requests for Our Elders
Bob Astop
Success: Pray for the success of 80 years of Bob's life that God gave him!
Patience: Pray for patience.
Love: Pray that Bob continues to show the love of Jesus.
Guidance: Prayer for guidance as he begins to slow down his business.
Family Time: Prayer to relax with his family, including his brothers and sisters.
Spiritual Fire: Pray that Bob becomes more on fire for Jesus.
Stephanie Musgrove
Shoulder Health: Please pray for Stephanie's shoulder.
Avoid Surgery: Prayer that surgery will not be required.
Physiotherapy: Prayer for ongoing physio.
Son's Birthday: Prayer for her son and his birthday next week.
Neil Singh
Family: Prayer for Neil’s family.
Children: Prayer for Neil’s children.
Elaine: Prayer for Elaine.
Parents: Prayer for Neil’s mother and father (aging and ailments).
Brother: Prayer for Neil’s brother (recovering from the fire and depression).
University: Prayer for God to provide the funds for Lonjezo University in Malawi.
Urban Promise: Prayer for the staff, team, and leaders of Urban Promise to move forward with the university, reaching and supporting kids and families.
Dave Doble
Leadership Role: Prayer for Dave taking on the Clerk of Session from Bob.
Wisdom: Prayer for wisdom and guidance in this role.
Work Initiatives: Prayer for Dave’s work and the initiatives for 2025, that GOD's will is done.
Family: Prayer for Dave’s family, including Jill and his children.
Linda Littlejohn
Spiritual Vitality: Prayer for Linda as she 'gets on in years' that she will not become lazy spiritually.
Physical Energy: Prayer that she will be always renewed with physical energy.
Seniors' Role: Prayer for seniors that can feel like 'we've done our part so now it's time to take a back seat and veg.'
Harvest: Prayer for the 'fields are still ripe unto harvest and the workers still few.'
Wisdom: Prayer for wisdom in Linda’s role as an elder.
Ian MacGillivary
Health: Prayer for his prostate treatment (decisions of procedures).
Levity and Discernment: Prayers for levity and discernment.
Support: Prayer for the love and support to continue from others.
Family: Please pray for Ron and the rest of Sandy's family
Vacation: Prayer for their time away for rest and relaxation
The CCC Board: Prayer for the life that City Centre Church continues to do to bring through our lease agreements
Wisdom: Prayer for Sandy's wisdom as she meets monthyl with the Session
Let's join in prayer for our elders, lifting them up in their needs and ministries.
Pray & Part